1. If you are interested in having me discuss your wines, I accept samples and press/media kits from wineries, distributors, marketing and public relations firms and retail shops. Please e-mail me at cellarmistress@yahoo.com for my shipping information. I look forward to hearing from you!
2. All samples written about will be disclosed in the body of the blog story. I post all reviews, whether they be positive or negative.
3. Sending samples does not guarantee a blog story. However, I will do my best to review samples I receive from each firm or winery. I may or may not review all samples received from one source. Once the story is posted, you may also receive recognition for it on Twitter and Facebook. If you are interested, I will e-mail you the link to the story and you are free to post it on your own site, as long as the content is not altered.
4. If you wish to use content from my site, you must request this in writing.
5. Last but not least, I thank you in advance and appreciate the opportunity to sample and blog about your wines!
Monticello Vineyards | Napa | Corley Family
2 weeks ago